My Blog Pages

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Happy events!

Hey blog friends.  Just wanted to share some happy events.  My son made the all A honor roll for the entire 5th grade year (with Gifted and Talented classes!)  Only eight 5th graders accomplished the A honor roll! He also got 4 other academic awards for having such high A's.  In addition, his class voted him "Most likely to become a doctor", which is what he wants to be anyways!  I am a proud momma!
He's the one on the very right, his certificate didn't print, but we did get it!
That's a smarty pants look if I have ever seen it! :)
 My stepchildren still have another week left of school! But they will both be getting the A/B honor roll! I am surrounded by smart children! (Which I am not sure is a good thing)  ;) hubby and I just celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary.  Don't we still look so cute and in love??  If I knew how to make a bunch of little hearts around here I would.  :)
 I love my partner in crime!

 Should be back to sewing posts next week...not sure if I will have more or less time with the big kids home.  Here's hoping for MORE!
Have a good Memorial day weekend!

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