My Blog Pages

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Weekend plans

I really should stop posting dates of when I will put up my tutorials, cause those never seem to work! LOL
I will try and get the "placemat to-go" tutorial and giveaway done this weekend, since I know that's when most of you have your extra sewing time.  For me, having 4 kids, it seems to be the opposite.  Also, my littlest has not been feeling well the past couple of days, but is getting better.  Which is good because tomorrow is our DAY OUT WITH THOMAS! As you may or may not know, my 2 year old is Thomas crazy.  We will be doing a lot of Thomas things in the blogging months to come. 

I would also like to fit in Made's Warhol Dress (not the stenciling but the actual style of the dress). I already got 2 great colors of t-shirts from CVS for 2.00 each.  If I make any changes from her directions along the way (which I usually do) I will let ya'll know!

Lastly, Lilly goes home today! Things progressed greatly over the last 24 hours and she is going home from the hospital! YEA!

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean...I have 5 kids (1 doesn't even live at home anymore and still manages to keep me busy). I always say "yay, it's the weekend I can get something done"...never happens though.
    Hope your little guy feels better soon and enjoys his day out with Thomas! My 7 year old went through a Thomas phase and everything had to be Thomas (his room is still red,yellow and 'Thomas' blue. :) My oldest son, who's 22 now, loved Thomas too except there wasn't all the Thomas stuff there is now..just tv shows (which was Shining Time Station back then) and books. He was kinda jealous his younger brother had all the cool stuff.
    That is such great news about Lily! I hope her recovery continues to be a speedy one!
